70% of AI projects fail and don't deliver business value … not because of technology or lack of data. They fail because of people: people developing AI and people using it. Is your company increasing profit through AI?
With 27 years of experience in data & AI, Jack offers KEYNOTES, strategic ADVICE, and EXECUTIVE SPARRING to help focus on what really matters for profitable AI adoption: the human factor. He explains AI and shows how to get real value from data & analytics. And he gives MASTERCLASSES to upskill your employees.
In person & virtual. Worldwide. With real life stories. Scroll down for keynote examples, videos, and testimonials.
My keynotes will inspire your audience to:
Full keynote (15 min):
Between ChatGPT and Terminator - What AI really is.
Keynote excerpt (5 min):
It always starts with business needs.
Shorts (30 s):
Why do AI projects fail?
40-page guide "AI: What's in it for me?" for executives and business leaders to gain value from AI, which focuses on one question:
"How to gain business value from AI by improving employees' data and AI mindset"
Available as paperback and eBook on Amazon and as eBook on Apple Books. The order button below will guide you to the stores available in your country.
When he started his data career 27 years ago, Jack was excited about using data and analytics to drive business decisions. Pretty soon he noticed how statistics and machine learning can be intimidating to business colleagues and executives.
Jack realized that knowledge and flashy AI tools were not enough to make AI work. He needed to become an AI translator, making AI not just accessible, but understood, and focusing on the biggest driver of success with AI: people. He set out on a mission to bridge the gap between technology and business.
He built data teams, crafted data strategies, implemented data literacy programs, and guided organizations through the maze of AI adoption. Skepticism from executives and resistance to change tested him, but he adapted. He honed the art of simplifying complexity, shifted mindsets, and made AI about people, not just algorithms.
Jack’s journey spanned several industries: large high-tech companies (Tektronix & HP in the USA), pharma (MSD in Germany), and a finance startup in between. In some places, AI was embraced; in others, it was feared. With his technical and business backgrounds (Master of Science in Electrical Engineering, RWTH Aachen, Germany and MBA, University of Washington, Seattle, USA), he was able to refine his approach and bridge the gap between technical developers, business users, and executives.
Today, Jack is a KEYNOTE SPEAKER, ADVISOR, and EXECUTIVE SPARRING PARTNER, helping organizations unlock the true value of AI by focusing on the human factor. Jack supports executives to increase profit through AI.
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